Featured Brokers
74-89% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
74.34% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
74% of retail CFD accounts lose money.
When ads become quality content, you’re no longer advertising, you’re creating value.
TheTradingBible.com is a brand recognized by two words: “Trading” and “Trust”. We produce unique high quality content along with useful tools that deliver great value to our audience while helping them stay protected from financial malpractice. All our traffic is organic (via search engines) and our content always prioritises users above anything.
Promoting your financial brand on our website is a sign of prestige and reliability. Precisely because of these reasons, we don’t accept all promotion requests and carefully evaluate our applicants. Below, you’ll find the two available options to promote your brand on our website:
Basic Package
Designed to ensure maximum R.O.I at the lowest cost possible, the basic package provides a broker with the following benefits:
- Listing in our broker comparisons engine
- Listing in our broker database
- Product Review in 3 languages (English, German and Spanish)
- Activated outbound links towards your destinations for a period of 365 days
Premium Package - Top 5
Become one of the top 5 featured brokers on TheTradingBible.com and gain access to all the features of the basic package along with:
- Presence in our right side broker panel across all our website in all languages and all content types (excluding cryptocurrencies) - example
- Presence within all our articles (based on eligibility) in our contextual tables designed to match the intent of each article - example
- Presence as one of our top 5 brokers in our navigation bar’s reviews section
For the basic package, all brokers are eligible. For the premium package it’s necessary that the applicant passes our internal review and holds more than 1 financial licence, preferably from a top-tier regulator. Unregulated brokers are not accepted for the premium package positions.
It is important to note that:
- We don’t accept payments to alter information, increase scoring, improve opinions or mislead users in any way
- We don’t accept any changes to our reviews (besides fact-checking or objective updates)
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