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The Trading Bible Questions

How to Download Metatrader 5 (MT5)?

By, Updated on: Apr 07 2023.

In order to download Metatrader 5 you can click on any of the following links according to the type of device you have:

  • Metatrader 5 for IOS Devices
IOS Download
  • Metatrader 5 for Android Devices
Playstore Download
  • Metatrader 5 for Mac OS Native (doesn't require any additional installation)
Apple Logo
  • Metatrader 5 for Windows
Windows Logo
  • Metatrader 5 for Linux
Linux Logo

Many brokers require you to open an account to get Metatrader 5.

Others offer the Metatrader 5 download for free but when you try to use it it defaults to the brokerage account from the download provider.

All the versions listed above don't have that problem, since they belong to the official source they're free to use without any branding incorporated and you can even get the Metatrader 5 whitelabel demo with a few forex pairs to experiment how the platform works. 

Later on if you decide to choose a brokerage firm that has Metatrader 5 in their list of availabe trading platforms, you can simply log in to your brokerage account from these versions without having to download another one. 
